As a former senior staff member of the Dutch Advisory Council for Health Research at the Health Council in The Netherlands (1997-2009) Rob van der Sande has a broad experience in research policy and research innovation. He is author of various reports of the Council on topics such as elderly care, research in nursing care, trauma care, medical technology assessment.

Rob van der Sande has been professor (lector) of Primary and Community Care at the HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN UAS) in Nijmegen.His expertise includes ‘community nursing’, ‘community care’ and ‘pain and palliative care’. His mission at the HAN UAS is to develop practice based research in nursing and paramedical care. He is member of the ZonMw committee on Quality of Care/ Quality Standardization. His research concerned adverse effects of ehealth in primary care, culture sensitive care for non-western diabetes patients, the prevention of chronic pain,  and nurse led palliative care in the community.

Since 2017 he is president of the Committe on Research Integrity at the HAN university. He recently took the initiative for the development of a national training course for researchers in research integrity. He is president of Zr Vernède Foundation which gives grants to activities and projects focusing on the history of nursing and care in the Netherlands.

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HAN University of Applied Sciences | Faculty of Health and Social Studies | Verlengde Groenestraat 75 | 6525 EJ Nijmegen | PO Box6960 | 6503 GL Nijmegen|+31 (0)24 35 30376 / *0373/ 06 1441 37 38|